All posts by Ugme1

Amedsys Prescribes Microsoft Security and a Password-Free Solution to Support Clinical Teams

Amedisys Home Health streamlines security with a password-free solution. How would security improve at your organization if you could free workers from passwords? Read the customer story to learn how @Microsoft Security saves this healthcare and hospice health provider time and money while strengthening security. When you’re done reading, contact a @Microsoft Security expert from UGM Enterprises, Inc. for a free consultation.


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Want better security with enhanced access control? Monitor apps and services, protect data and control access to resources with @msftsecurity solutions from UGM Enterprises, Inc..

With cyber threats on the rise, security teams are always on the lookout for new ways to control access, monitor apps and protect data. How can UGM Enterprises, Inc. help you fortify your business against threats? Get in touch to learn about our Microsoft Security offerings.

@msftsecurity #data

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Top Opportunities for Automotive and Mobility in 2022

The automotive industry is expected to become a $6.6T industry with disruptive technology and business models accounting for 50 percent of revenue, reports McKinsey & Company. What drives revenue at your company? An integral part of the automotive, mobility, and transportation sector, @Microsoft is helping make the industry safer, more sustainable and more productive. Read 👇 to discover how Microsoft solutions help transportation companies embrace transformation.

#Microsoft #MSCloud @mscloud

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