All posts by Ugme1

Forrester TEI of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

Mixed reality is central to manufacturers’ ability to adapt and succeed in the hybrid work era. What ROI can you expect? In this Microsoft-commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study, Forrester examines the potential ROI manufacturers can realize by deploying @Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist with HoloLens and mobile devices. Download the report for highlights of key findings and quantified benefits.


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Microsoft Cloud for Retail: Enabling Retailers to Transform Consumer Experience and Operations Through Data

Are you ready to:

• Maximize the value of your customer data
• Empower your store associates
• Elevate the shopping experience for both your in-store and online customers

The time to start growing your business is now! Contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. and talk to one of our Microsoft Cloud for Retail experts to discuss next steps.

@Microsoft #MSCloudRetail

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