All posts by Ugme1

Learn with Visual Studio Remote Office Hours

More and more developers are working from home with #Microsoft #VisualStudio integrated development environment and #GitHub. While editing, debugging, and building code as well as publishing an app from your personal workspace is great, connecting with other developers can make your work even better. #RemoteOfficeHours is a new live broadcast directly from the Visual Studio team—a show by developers for developers. Read on and contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to learn more.

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Four key elements for building a successful hybrid workplace

Smart investments in tech pay off. Investing in Surface and Microsoft 365 for the hybrid workplace comes with returns—cost savings, increased employee satisfaction, and more. It’s all about connectivity, collaborative tools, information security, and devices with the flexibility to let workers work their own way. This infographic, brought to you by UGM Enterprises, Inc., will show you the advantages of #Surface in the hybrid workplace.

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