All posts by Ugme1

How 5G Can Impact Small Business

Discover how 5G can impact small businesses! πŸ“ΆπŸ“ˆ Read this article from Small Business Computing to learn about the opportunities that 5G will create. It’s not just an upgrade from 4G, but a new technology that will open up pathways for your business to innovate. If you’d like to learn more, contact UGM Enterprises, Inc..

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Why video is the foundation of hybrid work

Are your hybrid remote workers getting enough one-on-one face time in videoconferences? Enough pixel real estate?

Get this whitepaper to discover how advanced collaboration technologies like those from @Jabra can create a more equal and inclusive work environment, spark creativity, reduce worker stress and fatigue, improve morale, strengthen both internal and external working relationships, while promoting superior communication and understanding within your organization.

Ready to build a stronger videoconferencing foundation? DM us and let’s talk Jabra Video.

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