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Bringing remote patient care to remote patients with Microsoft Power BI and Azure

How do you bring expert healthcare to remote villages in South Africa? For Dr. Raymond Campbell, founder of Phulukisa Health Solutions, cloud-enabled backpacks powered by Microsoft #Azure and #Power BI provided the solution. Each backpack’s device is able to screen for common diseases like tuberculosis, diabetes, and HIV, then deliver the test results back to field doctors within minutes. Watch this short video to see how #Microsoft solutions are enabling one doctor’s vision to help save lives, then contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to see how we can help bring your organization’s vision to life.

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A new generation of communication tools for a new generation of Alcoa workers

At the Alcoa plant in Fjardaal, Iceland, a magnetic board was used to assign shifts, while company-wide announcements were made via standard email–both of which required people to be physically present. The adoption of #Microsoft #Teams transformed these otherwise manual tasks into a workflow better suited to a new generation of digitally savvy Alcoa employees who all carry smartphones. Watch the video to see the transformation, then contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to see how we can help transform your organization.

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Modernize and empower sales teams with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Professionals

Today’s sellers work with an average of 6.8 stakeholders and 16 colleagues per deal, making sales cycles longer and more complex. On top of that, they belong to twice as many teams as they did only a few years ago, and are more mobile than ever before. To stay ahead of the curve, modern sellers need to evolve beyond legacy methods of tracking customer interactions and the status of deals in progress. #Microsoft #Dynamics365 can help with that by streamlining processes via interactive dashboards, integration with familiar tools like Office 365, sales capabilities embedded in mobile apps, and intelligent guidance toward optimal outcomes. Watch the video to find out more, then contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to see how we can help your sales teams build greater sales momentum and close more deals.

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Customer Story: Clifton Coffee | Work From Anywhere

For most people, working from the beach is a fantasy, but we can make it a reality for your team. Do we have your attention yet?

With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, you can empower your employees to work from virtually anywhere, on any device. With features like video conferencing and instant messaging, you can always be connected to your teams.

What are you waiting for? Contact our team at UGM Enterprises, Inc. to learn how our Microsoft Teamwork solutions can make your work dreams a reality.

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The Ultimate Meeting Guide

It’s no secret that a clearly defined agenda is key to a productive meeting, but how else can you upgrade your company’s meetings?

Productive meetings include meeting time management, note taking, strong accountability, and more, we’ve got you covered with this eBook.

Check out these six helpful tips to learn how to improve your business’ meetings. To learn more about our industry-leading communication solutions, give us a call.

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Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Communication among team members and between different teams, especially when they’re in different locations, can be a huge challenge–but it doesn’t have to be an obstacle to collaboration and teamwork. Watch this video to discover why Red Lion Hotels (RLH) trusted Microsoft Teams to integrate all its corporate needs into one internal communications tool. Then contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to find out how we can do the same for your organization.

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Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

Did you know that 83% of employees depend on technology to work together? How are you helping your teams work together to do their best work?

Now, you can offer your team an integrated #Teamworksolution from #Microsoft. By streamlining communication, you can help your employees bring their teams and resources together, connect with users outside the company, and even work remotely.

Why wait? Contact our team at UGM Enterprises, Inc. to get started today.

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