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Surface for Federal

Discover how @Microsoft @Surface empowers Federal workers in a hybrid world. Security, productivity, flexibility, and more—all of it is in these devices. Ready to transform your Federal agency? Check out this solution brief and contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. today to get started!

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Finance in the fast lane

Still on the fence about shifting your operations to the Microsoft Azure Cloud? Maybe this story about how @Microsoft Azure API Management future-proofed a top asset manager in Malaysia will help you make up your mind to digitize, digitize, digitize.

DM us when you are ready to get off the fence, and your company into the Cloud.

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🤔What is the one biggest roadblock to #efficiency inside your organization? IT talent shortage? #Techsprawl? Lack of low code tools that empower staff to build solutions? Something else? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

🤔What is the one biggest roadblock to #efficiency inside your organization?

IT talent shortage?


Lack of low code tools that empower staff to build solutions?

Something else? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Surface + AI

Leverage the power of Surface + AI. Surface devices with GPUs and NPUs are perfect for running AI models, providing greater privacy, less latency, cost savings, and high-powered processing. To learn how these devices can help enable AI for your organization, contact UGM Enterprises, Inc. to learn more.

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