Currently browsing: Business

Forrester TEI Report — The Total Economic Impact of Power Apps

Forrester research shows @Microsoft Power Apps drive 188% ROI in 3 years. What benefits contribute to these results? Read this Forrester Total Economic Impact Study to examine quantified and unquantified benefits. Interested in seeing the potential gains for your organization? ❤️ this post to start a conversation with one of our experts at UGM Enterprises, Inc. to set up a consultation or a free demo today.


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Deliver Personalized Digital Customer Engagement With Dynamics 365

Digital services and technology are critical to businesses looking to exceed customer expectations. What do Microsoft customers use? This blog shows how Dynamics 365 Commerce and Dynamics 365 Marketing help real-world customers deliver engaging, intuitive and user-friendly experiences. Let us know if you’d like to discuss Dynamics 365 solutions with a UGM Enterprises, Inc. Microsoft expert.

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How does an @Azure VirtualDesktop lower infrastructure costs? Follow UGM Enterprises, Inc. for updates and tips on reducing hardware management burdens in a @Microsoft virtual desktop environment.

Kudos 👏 to all IT teams that manage to keep costs low in complex digital environments. What’s your secret? Connect to get updates and information from UGM Enterprises, Inc. on how a @Microsoft @Azure Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop environment can minimize hardware management burdens.

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