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Financial Services Giant FIS Spearheads a Broad Digital Transformation Using Azure Virtual Desktop

An Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure is a great foundation for digital transformation. How can you benefit? By migrating workloads to cloud-native Microsoft Azure services, financial services firm FIS drove big gains in efficiency, agility and savings. Get the story. UGM Enterprises, Inc. thinks the results are worth celebrating. 👏 if you agree.



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#PIM is the backbone of supply chain & retail apps. What strategies & solutions do you use? Visit regularly for information and tips from the @MSFTDynamics365 experts at UGM Enterprises, Inc..

Product information is the backbone of supply chain and retail apps. What product information management strategies and solutions do you use? Let us know in the comments. Experts in Dynamics 365, the team at UGM Enterprises, Inc. can help you make the best choice for your product information needs.


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Sanitas Leaps to the Cloud and Leverages the Potential of Microsoft Digital Selling

Curious to see what your organization can do by moving to the cloud with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Migration Program?

Read this to see how Sanitas, a Spanish health and wellness company, uses the Microsoft cloud to create an automated, data-centric digital sales platform.

Comment below to tell us how UGM Enterprises, Inc. can help you migrate to the cloud.

#Dynamics365 #cloud

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Sanitas Leaps to the Cloud and Leverages the Potential of Microsoft Digital Selling

Curious to see what your organization can do by moving to the cloud with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Migration Program?

Read this to see how Sanitas, a Spanish health and wellness company, uses the Microsoft cloud to create an automated, data-centric digital sales platform.

Comment below to tell us how UGM Enterprises, Inc. can help you migrate to the cloud.

#Dynamics365 #cloud

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